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long jump 跳遠。

long measure

Applying literature , teaching experiments , statistical methods for the long jump take - off technology teaching , this essay the applies “ bow angle board “ to long jump take - off technology teaching 摘要采用文獻資料、教學實驗、數理統計等方法,對跳遠起跳技術教學方法進行研究,提出了運用目標“俯角板起跳”練習的教學新方法。

U . s . athlete barbara jordan , 70 , takes part in women ' s long jump final at wma world master athletics championships in san sebastian , spain . jordan came in third after jumping 3 . 56m 圖:年已七十歲的美國運動員芭芭拉.喬丹參加在西班牙賽巴斯蒂安舉行的wma (世界大師田徑錦標賽)的跳遠比賽,她得了第三名,跳了3 . 56米。

Carl lewis , winner of four consecutive olympic gold medals in long jump , at the age of thirty - five became a vegetarian six months before his last olympics on the advice of his dietitian 而連續四屆以三十五歲高,奪得跳遠金牌的卡爾劉易士,比賽前半年,他已經遵照營養師建議,吃起素食了。

The author adopt experiment law and mathematical statistical law save the not equal level man athlete of long jump for jiangxi pedal accuracy study by environmental factor influence 摘要采用實驗法、數理統計法對江西省不同等級男子跳遠運動員踏板準確性受環境因素影響進行研究。

Very simple rules of the game , players control characters for long jump , including the start of the run - up stage , intermediate stage of accelerating , and the final take - off 游戲規則相當簡單,玩家控制人物進行跳遠運動,包括開始階段的助跑,中間階段的加速,以及最后的起跳。

Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up 愈合導言:該法術不能在處于相位變化下的小鬼身上產生效果。也不會使目標因為與愈合導言的效果而站立起來。

Mm long jump after ather lovely rabbit , probably five consecutive jump bar , the more the feeling never gave up , marking operation , the number of sub - test of your jump 可愛的兔mm跳遠嘍,大概連續跳5次吧,越跳越沒力的感覺,標操作,試下你能跳多少分

Jeff : this reminds me of the earliest olympic star . he was ray ewry , an american , and the champion of the standing high jump and standing long jump 杰夫:這倒讓我想起了一個最早的奧運明星,美國的尤里。他曾是立定跳高和立定跳遠的冠軍。

Experimental study on developing juvenile football players ' speed and strength through the training of loaded squat standing in long jump oriented by 30 - metre race 利用30米跑定位跳遠負重下蹲站立發展少兒足球運動員速度力量的試驗研究

Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up 修復禱言:這個技能將不會為相位變換狀態下的小鬼治療。也不會使被治療的目標站起來。

Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up 愈合禱言:這個技能將不會為相位變換狀態下的小鬼治療。也不會使被治療的目標站起來。

Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up 愈合禱言:現在法術不會跳至相位變換中的小鬼身上。也不會使被治療的目標站起來。

Prayer of mending : this spell can no longer jump to an imp with phase shift active . it will also no longer cause the healed target to stand up 修復禱言:該法術不再會跳到相位變換的小鬼身上,也不會使被治療的目標站起來。

So fiona won the long jump ? that ' s turn - up for the book . it ' s the first time a girl from this school has won it 那么,弗洛娜獲得跳遠冠軍了?誰都沒有意料到。這是這所學校的女孩子第一次獲得這個項目的冠軍。

You can avoid many of the enemies with simple jumps , but others will require you to make long jumps ( by the way , duplicating you scores ) 你能用簡單的跳躍避免許多敵人,但是其它將會需要你制造跳遠。

He also competed in the long jump in both 1924 and 1928 , and in 1928 he even placed seventh in the high jump 織田干雄還參加了1924年和1928年奧運會的跳遠比賽,并在1928年奧運會跳高比賽中名列第七。

The result shows that the reasonable change of length for last two steps must be controlled in the long jump 得出結論,跳遠中必須在高速助跑與快速起跳結合的同時,控制好最后2步步長的合理變化。

Matt : oh ! i don ' t know . after you hit that long jump - shot in the first quarter , i knew we were going to win 嗯!這我就不清楚了,但在你第一個四分之一場長距離跳投得分時,我就知道我們將會獲勝。

Schumann also competed in three events in athletics ( long jump , triple jump and shot put ) and in weightlifting 此外,舒曼在本屆奧運會還參加了跳遠、三級跳和鉛球3個田徑項目,以及舉重的比賽。